W E L C O M E 

T O     T H E

A M A Z I N G    W O R L D

O F 

M. C.   F R A N K's    S T O R I E S

E x p l o r e.

I m a g i n e.

R e a d.

F a l l   i n   L o v e.


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  1. These all book's outer cover are so damn nice especially no ordinary 🌟 looking forward to read that book and salt for air I love you author M.C frank

  2. Anonymous08:50

    I was wondering when Die for You (outlaws) was coming out. Last book said fall of 2021. I ordered the entire set for the library I work for in Beaver Falls, PA. Your website doesn't if show the series. Hope you're still continuing it. I read and loved them all! Thanks! Debbie (djfelice1414@comcast.net)

  3. Anonymous17:41

    I was also wonder when Die for You (outlaws) is coming out. I loved the other three books in the series and I also loved them. It's agony not knowing what comes next in Ru and Robin's story. You're amazing MC Frank! Thanks.

  4. Anonymous16:23

    I've totally emerged myself in the Robin Hood books and I'm in love, needing more. Please say Die for You will be out soon. I need more 😍
